Friday, February 25, 2011

-9 pips Awkward start

Awkward start, being right, but failing. First two longs were good intentions. Third short not so good. I moved stop and it really looked if it failed to go up any longer it will reverse heavily back. It just did that but I exit it before the move. Just to keep my loss small around 10 half size pips for all. It didn't help much because I started to catch up game, digging myself deeper with each trade. Later it was at -40 and some half size pips.
Besides improvement in capitalizing on some trades more by holding them for much longer period I need to improve in abandoning catch up trading. Then I just look at p&l, I don't trade market at that time but money swings.
On a side note Oanda's spread right now is at 0.7 pips for eur/usd.
In the end manageable loss of -18 half size pips

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