Finally moves that enable efficient scalping.
+14 pips
Eur/jpy happen to be random win, it could be big loser also. Failed break out in eur/usd.
+12 pips
Half size trades. Clumsy trading with half size. It would be better to be focused and get out immediately with full size then this.
+4 pips
Half size trades.
-1 pip
Failed breakout.
-12 pips
Boring (half size trades)
Where are the days when gbp/usd would on after news rally make 200 pips. All trades where half size except first one.
-19 pips
Last two trades were me imagining things, never good, it's always better to just follow price. Wasn't really thinking today about capturing profit more being fearful of a loss.
-8 pips
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